Closet Organization Tips

Sweater weather is officially here! This weekend, I’m bringing out out all my sweaters, boots, and reorganizing my closet. It’s inspired me to share some oganizational product links and tips that help my space stay functonional and still pretty! Makes getting ready and piecing an outfit together so much more fun! <3

Click on the images for the links!

Don't have closet space? Get a rack!

White Rack, Light Brown Shelving
Boots Rack
Black Rack
10 Tier Shoe Rack

Okay so- a lot of racks, I know. My current home has poor closet space and I was fortunate enought to have an extra bedroom to use as a closet. But any of these racks would look good in your bedroom for that extra storage space or just for your favorite go to’s on display. The first one is super sturdy and has so much potential to customize how you want to use it in your space. I got the boot rack to maintain the form of my boots rather than cramming them in a regular rack and loosing its shape. The boot hangers are included when you order through the link. The black rack I just got for my outerwear- turns out my coat collection is growing (hehe), I also got the wooden hangers for them since they are more durable and these look so great with the rack! And finally, my SHOE rack (heart eyes). I have a lot of heels for work, and a lot of shoes in general, regular shelving would not be enough! Love this rack because it was super easy to assemble- no tools required. This rack is great since I can hook my heels vertically which allows me an additional rack space for more shoe addition opportunities. 😉

Dividers, Hangers, and more

Shelf Dividers
Storage Bins
Hanging Shelf
Wooden Hangers
Velvet Hangers

The shelf dividers are a recent addition to my closet organization and I am in love! I would usually stack my sweaters, but they would topple over each other and get messy. These dividers help define the space keeping it neat and accessible. Definitely recommend! The hanging shelf is great for keeping sweaters and delicates that you don’t want to hang if you lack shelving space in your home. I use the fabric bins to keep things from my bags and belts, scarfs and winter accessories, PJ’s, delicates, and swimwear. If you take anything away from this post- please, please, please get matching hangers!! It is a much needed investment for efficient and effective utlization, functionality, and for keeping your closet pretty! Do it for your closet you won’t regret it, I promise. 

Jewlery and Makeup Organizers

Stackable Jewelry Organizer
Travel Jewelry Case
Marble Ring Dish
Makeup Vanity Organizer

You buy pretty jewelry, buy a pretty space to keep them! When its organized and accessible, you actually will use it more. These are a few options that I love and have myself! I’m also sharing my makeup storage as well. Bonus: sharing my travel jewelry case! There’s a few different ones on Amazon and they are little travel life savers! 🙂 

Folding sweaters tip

I think it will be helpful to share folding tips for your sweaters since it will help keep your space pretty, sometimes I sit and stare at how pretty my closet is after I organize it lol, anyone else?! 

I use this similar technique for all my folding needs, including scarfs. Hope this helps!!

Step 1. 

Lay your sweater on backside towards you (front should lay flat on surface). Bring in the sides toward center about 2-3 fingers length like so.

Step 2.

Turn the sleeves back and line up along edge of sweater. 

Step 3.

Start tucking the bottom of the sweater and the end of the sleeves upward a third of the way. 

Step 4. 

Tuck in any turtle neck, hoodie, or anything else of the sort. 

Step 5.

Bring the bottom up, you should have something that looks like this little bundle! Tuck in any parts sticking out and stretch out horizontaly if it looks to short or round like. 

When you fold your sweaters with this method it makes storage easier, prettier, and functional since you can actually see what the sweater looks like. Remember the inner folding part doesn’t have to be perfect- as long as you make it look like it by tucking in parts sticking out and stretching them to be similar lengths.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post, happy fall closet organizing!!!

1 thought on “Closet Organization Tips”

  1. UM OK. I love this post so much! YES YES YES to investing in all the SAME hangers. You can fit so much more clothes in your closet when (hello…this is ultimate secret) AND automatically makes your space look less cluttered. The sweater dividers are LIFE. Buying those ASAP. And that shoe rack…if only I had the space for it. Amazing tips! <3

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