Confidence That Comes With Style

Welcome to my blog and thanks for joining me on my fashion journey! My closet has come a long way. I used to buy the latest trends or anything I thought was cute just because it was cheap, without a thought about quality, versatility, or even if it complimented me. The more pieces I bought like that, the more I struggled with the “I’ve got nothing to wear” or “I hate everything in my closet” problem. With time and experience, I’ve learned what I do and don’t want to represent my style. My purpose for this is to share my finds with all of my girls and fashion lovers out there!

Your style speaks before you even say “hello”. Have you ever defined your style? It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing heels or sneakers, as long you feel good about yourself- confidence is style. I find what I wear can transform my attitude, body language, and perception of myself. What woman doesn’t want to feel sexy, empowered, and confident?

Here are 5 tips on how to refine your closet and define your personal style :


Make sure it’s a quality piece and that it fits right! That may seem simple enough, but how many times do we buy something even though there’s something we wish was different about it? We make the exception and buy it anyway because “it’s fine”, and think we’ll make it work- only for it to sit in the closet maybe to be worn once. It’s time to go Marie Kondo on your closet and eliminate any pieces that are not utterly amazing! Ask yourself, is this a quality piece? Does it fit me? Does it make me feel good when I wear it?


Buy what looks good on you, don’t just buy what’s currently trending. You know your best features so wear what compliments them!


This can take time since it involves financial investment. Remember don’t buy just to buy, which is easier said than done. Staple items are those timeless and classic pieces like a trench coat, a leather or denim jacket, a little black dress, nude pumps, etc. Staple pieces are a huge part of making your wardrobe easy and look effortless! I promise you won’t regret taking this step.


Don’t doubt the power of shoes and accessories done right! Shoes are my love language, and in my opinion, you can never have too many!


There’s nothing more intriguing than a woman who is confident, regardless of what she is wearing.   Love yourself entirely and exuberate that self love through your personal style!

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